Personal WordPress Website

May 18, 2023

Thanks to some help from my local college, I started my first business when I was 12 under the guise of Computing with Dan. Although I wish I’d kept copies of the very early days, I did keep the website going until I transferred everything to Intangible.Tech. 

Back in 2017 I revamped the website using Wordpress and Bluehost. Wordpress makes it easy to build something from scratch. I purchased a template and a few UI plugins for less than $100 and from there implemented everything on my own. 

For its ease of use and click and point nature it was a breeze to setup and customize the UI to my liking. I love material design so I went that route.

As with Intangible.Tech my main use for the site was primarily for a place to brain dump my ideas and share projects as a portfolio. Although I had it set up for consulting work I really didn’t take much advantage of it as I was working full time.

All in all it was fun to play around with. The downside was that it was roughly $25 bucks a month to host and with that tier could only scale towards so many people. Not a problem for the minimal traffic I received but something to take in account when picking a website builder. 

At one point I was using my desktop computer as a host but ran into some network issues where if you weren’t in the same time zone as me it stuttered. Was a ton of fun getting that to work, though!